These businesses have received £2.5m match-funding in total, covering 115 projects. This will lead to a projected additional £100m in gross value added for the North West economy within the next three years.
Yet financial assistance is just one aspect of our support. Whilst more than 100 manufacturing SMEs have received funding, the actual number of organisations we’ve helped is close to 1,000. Whether by taking advantage of specialised technology advice or taking part in digital strategy workshops, many more makers have been able to identify which technologies could solve their business challenges – and how best to start using them.
A digital native can often help to develop this roadmap. Where we believe them to be most beneficial, manufacturers have brought on board a fully-funded digital technology intern for 480-hours, gaining a fresh perspective on emerging technologies and how they can support their business.
Then there is our Leadership Programme, run in partnership with Lancaster University. This helps business owners lead their own digital revolution and ensure their team embraces the tools too

2020 may not have been quite the year anyone expected, but there have been causes for celebration amid it all. These include our own here at Made Smarter: we’ve now funded 104 manufacturers across the North West.
It’s fantastic that these businesses are now able to use the digital technologies they’ve implemented to drive efficiencies and, ultimately, growth. Here, Made Smarter Programme Director, Donna Edwards, outlines what makers have been empowered to do with just a little help…