Jacqui Anderson discusses why she joined the government-backed programme as an organisational development and skills adviser in 2024
Before Made Smarter
Throughout my working life, I have always had client facing roles and I have been involved in training and development and business support for the last 20 years plus.
I have worked in Further Education in employer engagement, promoted the Investors in People Award, been a mentoring specialist for the Business Growth Hub - so the move to an Organisational Workforce Development (OWD) Specialist with Made Smarter felt like a natural progression.
I enjoy working with businesses and seeing them, and their and workforce, develop and grow, both with guidance and support. This is what has led me to the Made Smarter role, working closely with clients across the North West to help guide them through the digital transformation they are adopting and support them through the change management it brings.
Six months of Made Smarter
It has been an interesting and enjoyable six months since joining Made Smarter.
I have visited various manufacturers during this time and found out how a fascinating range of products are made, from beanbags, toiletries, heat pumps and cheese, to parts for jet engines. Learning about the technology involved and what’s required to produce such items has been fantastic.
During this time, I’ve also enjoyed helping clients becoming digital champions after attending our Leading Change for Digital Champions training. Here we support them and their businesses to go forward with the digital technology as part of our fully funded government programme.
It’s been really satisfying making a difference to the clients and seeing the individuals grow, develop, and become inspired.
The skills support we offer
The leadership skills we offer alongside the technology know-how is crucial to clients.
It allows them and their employees to progress, especially when it comes to digital transformation, and it can make a huge difference in driving the business forward, ensuring they are comfortable and confident with the changes being implemented.
Right across the Made Smarter team, we work closely with clients from the technical adoption specialist to the organisation workforce development team, assuring they have all the skills and support they require. We work with the clients the entire way on a one-to-one basis, throughout their journey.
The future of digital support
The future of digital support is here to stay and will only increase going forward.
We now live in a 24/7 world and manufacturers must keep moving forward, to stay ahead of the game, competitive and innovative.
I think the support that Made Smarter can offer will only increase and it is invaluable to manufacturers and the future of their business and their workforce.
To find out more about how Made Smarter’s OWD team can help you register today at www.madesmarter.uk.