Launched in 1981, Norlin started life supplying compounded polymers to a variety of sectors including household brands, such as Coca-Cola and Fisher Price Toys.
A shift towards manufacturing more technical and specialised polymers for the medical sector 10 years ago, prompted a drive to improve processes to increase its efficiency and quality, and triggered Norlin’s digital transformation.
To remain competitive in a global market, Norlin wanted to capitalise on the opportunities of technology and digital tools to further improve quality and control over its processes. It set its sights on upgrading its blending process.
Jonathan said: “Working with Made Smarter and its digital transformation workshop process we explored the wide-ranging opportunity that digital manufacturing offers, and identified that we needed to continue to strive for a more consistent product and increase the real-time visibility of our blending processes to help us to achieve that. This meant removing some of the manual interventions for a more automated and digital approach where we had access to continuous data.”